07 – A holistic approach to fertility (Part I)
A holistic approach to fertility has been released!
About 1 in 6 Australian couples experience fertility issues. In this episode, Gabbie interviews me (Miriam) on how I approach fertility in my clinic and I give practical tips on supporting both male and female fertility. This episode was so full to the brim with goodness, we decided to split it in 2! (Because we all know it takes two to tango.
In Part I, we delve into
- Why and how fertility has changed from the past to today
- How ageing affects fertility
- What an optimal cycle looks like to be able to conceive
- How hormones impact fertility and conception
- What males need for optimal fertility
- What is the optimal fertile window for both men and women
- Factors that affect fertility
- What steps you can take to start your fertility journey and how long before
And more to come in part II…