How to reduce mould in your home
With all the recent rain, flooding and dampness in NSW, mould toxicity is something we all need to be on the lookout for. Did you know that mould toxicity (also known as CIRS) can cause the following symptoms?
- Headaches
- Chronic fatigue
- Fever
- Eye irritation
- Sneezing
- Rashes
- Irritation to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat
- Chronic coughing
Here are some of my top tips for reducing mould in your home!
Use fans and ventilate your home
Use fans and open all the windows if you can to keep the air flowing and the moisture away! If you have screens on your windows, keep them open throughout the day to allow for cross-ventilation throughout the home. Allowing fresh air inside also improves the air quality.
Discard any items that are infested with mould
Unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult to completely eradicate the mould from items such as carpets, clothes and shoes. Mould spores can live in damp clothing for extended periods of time even if you cannot see them, and are difficult to remove without bleach (which comes with other issues!).
Use moisture absorbers
Use silica beads or calcium chloride moisture absorbers in cupboards and wardrobes and empty the water regularly. Removing moisture from the air creates an uninhabitable environment for the mould to grow.
Natural mould removers
Try removing mould with a combination of tea tree oil, vinegar and bicarb soda. Mix two parts baking soda with one part white vinegar and one part water and put 10 drops of tea tree oil to create a home-made mould remover paste.
And don’t forget to wear a face mask when removing mould because the spores can travel through the air!